Get coached by me -

Feel better today

Discover what you are thinking inside your head that has you feeling guilty, unmotivated, anxious or generally blah.

Coach with me and create the skill of shifting your thoughts so you can feel better, forever. This is called "self coaching". I teach you how.

tell me, is this you?

is this your self talk?

There's a constant churn in your head: anxiety, fear or overwhelm.

Life feels hard. As if there's a mean person on your shoulder and they are always putting you down.

If you just get through this next thing, it will be easier.

But it never gets better. The guilt and shame continues.

It's more than just "think positive." It feels impossible to do that.

Life would be easier if you could just feel good enough.

But letting yourself believe that is a struggle.

This is where all my clients start. Together, we start by dialing down the emotion and letting you feel worthy again. Then I give you the skill of feeling emotions instead of spinning to avoid them. I'll teach you how to think in a way that serves you. You get your self confidence back, and are easily moving forward again.


1 to 1 personal coaching

We start with a free consultation. I help you understand how you got where you are, and start moving forward again.

You share your hopes and dreams, and ask any questions about life coaching. Hesitation is welcomed, we go through everything that’s keeping you from saying yes to coaching. 

My approach is thoughtful and focused on you. Here I am taking notes and thinking about a client ahead of their session.


Life Changing Coaching

Not all Life Coaches are equal - hire the right one. Shelly was my Life Coach for 16 weeks and she helped me to change my life by changing the way I think.

The tools I learned and have continued to use are powerful. I am a better business leader, husband and father. Her style was calming. She heard everything I said.

I am a busy executive building a tech startup, and she helped me achieve much greater balance in that journey.

A friend of mine that owns a successful company is now a client of hers and told me "it's life changing stuff".

If you're looking for an excellent life coach, hire Shelly.


Phil A

Start up Founder and CEO

Profound Changes from Coaching

“Working with Shelly has made a massive difference to my life, my mental health and earnings. 

If you are lucky enough to work with her I would grasp it with both hands.  

I understand the patterns which have kept me trapped for years. 

It is hard to explain the profound differences that working with her have made. 

Before, nothing was possible and working, but now things are different and coming together. I can’t thank her enough.”


Helen P

Artist and Entrepreneur

Feel better today when you watch the videos to:
Break Up With Shame


Do you have a life coach certification?

Yes, I have trained and certified as a life coach through The Life Coach School. It’s the premier life coach school in North America, and offers an extensive 6 month certification.

What happens on a consultation?

We talk about you. Your goals, hopes, dreams. How and where you feel stuck. What you would LOVE to change. 

Then I pause, and create a plan to get you there. I talk you through it so you understand the steps involved. The amazing life you are heading towards. 

Then you share all your umms, ahhs, questions and concerns. I want to hear them. ALL of them. It’s okay to be uncertain. That’s part of it. 

If you are a yes, then we schedule your first session and arrange payment. Typically we do the same time each week. 

If you’re not sure, then we just schedule a quick follow up call in the next day or so. Either way, you’ll leave feeling confident and focused. 

What does coaching with you look like?

We do weekly private coaching calls for 12 weeks. I hold incredible space for you, so you feel welcome to explore even the most uncomfortable thoughts. Coaching is neutral, not judgemental. You’ll feel my love and care and support the whole way through.

Do I need to take notes?

Nope, although you can if you want. Whatever we coach on during the session is going straight into your brain already.

What if I need to miss or reschedule a session?

I ask that you give me 48 hours notice if possible. I understand that life happens, and that sometimes we need to take care of a sick kid, or ourselves. Do what's best for you.

Is there homework?

There is no homework.  I always encourage you to write models, and I’ll teach you how. Sometimes I’ll suggest one thing for you to focus on noticing or an emotion to keep allowing. Then we'll talk about it in the next session.

I heard you also offer pro bono coaching sometimes?

Yes I occasionally do, when my schedule permits. I do this to put more value out into the world. If this is something you are interested in, reach out to me for the application form.

Tell me about Confidence Week. How can I sign up?

Confidence Week is a five day training I ran in 2023. It is designed to help everyone learn the basics of where our confidence actually comes from. You get tools you can start using immediately to show up confident.

Get free access here.

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How can I keep getting inspiration from you?

Follow me on facebook, join my mailing list and reach out to me on messenger or by email with your questions. I’m always going to respond and brighten your life, or hold space if you’re having a rough day

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Do you have any short courses I can learn from?

I do. I've recorded trainings on Procrastination to Progress, and Shoulding to Self Acceptance. They are easy to implement and will teach you how to start feeling better by becoming aware of your thoughts and shifting them. Pick them up here for only $22 USD.


The Cats - Gracie and Earl

The Coach - Shelly Bortolotto

The Assistant

Get In Touch

Whistler, BC V8E, Canada