I spent years "shoulding" on myself.

Now you don't have to.

Procrastination to progress

I can help you stop the "should" thoughts

that make you feel shitty.

And create self acceptance instead.

I spent years "shoulding" on myself.

Now you don't have to.

I can help you stop the "should thoughts" that are making you feel shitty.

You can create self acceptance instead.

This training has been recorded and polished and now it sparkles.



Over 40 minutes I’ll show you

what happens when you are judging yourself non-stop

and always thinking you are not enough.

Instead I'll show you how to create awareness of your thoughts

and shift them to feel worthy and capable again.

Is this what's happening?

Do you constantly notice all the things you haven't done?

Telling yourself - you should have done it already?

Are you always looking at others and comparing, thinking, "I should be more/less..."

Not accepting yourself for who you but, but sitting in guilt and shame instead.

Maybe it feels real.

Or maybe a small part of you knows that you are being too hard on yourself,

but you don't know how to stop.

This is what your brain does.

It's got a well worn groove of hating on yourself. 

What you learn with me is one big step towards changing your life forever.

In shoulding to self acceptance you’ll GET:

The Solution:

  • Identify the should sentences in your head. 

  • Change the thoughts you tell yourself. Create new sentences. 

  • Practise staying in those new sentences until they stick.

And because we need both a solution and a process, you also get:

The Exact Steps:

This is what I have practised, refined and taught to clients.

In this live training we are going to work together to:


To build awareness, we will use a tool to show your brain the connection between the thought, feeling and action. For a specific, single should in your world. I teach you how using the CTFAR model.


We want to make the connection become SUPER obvious. So that the second you start thinking "I should..." you catch yourself. I'll give you powerful questions to make it simple.

Because when you catch yourself in the "old" thought - it becomes easy to shift. You'll experience this in real time.


When you are stuck in the shoulds it can feel really overwhelming. It's hard to figure out WHAT to think.

Knowing how to create new helpful thoughts you can offer your brain is a must. The time you take is worth it.


The methods I give you will cover the why, and the how.

It's up to you to take the action. To keep bringing your brain back to your newly decided thought that you are going to keep telling yourself.

How does a training like this work?

It’s a pre-recorded training, you'll get a link to watch it immediately.

I show up and teach you all the good stuff. You get everything from me.

There’s no fluff and no pitch. Just practical strategies you can apply today.

You also get access to any extra resources and workbooks I add later.  

Access this workshop for $22 USD, so that by the end of the day

you can be practicing interrupting your "Should" statements about yourself.

and shh... you can pick up my previous training called "Procrastination to Progress" ,

for only $22 to help you stop putting things off and starting doing them instead.

double shhhh...

there's a hidden last page to

get a single coaching session with me at a special discounted rate...

Hi, I'm Shelly Bortolotto - coach and eternal inspirer of people.

I help people feel better in every area of their life. 

With over 200 hours of coaching, and a coach certification behind me from The Life Coach School,

I’ve got all the tools and techniques to help you take action on your goals. 

I used coaching to fully recover from postpartum anxiety.

I’ve got hours and hours of practice using these tools on myself. This is what makes me an expert.

I’ve used every tool I teach countless times to feel better and move my business forward. 

I’m taking the most common things I coach my 1 to 1 clients through,

and turning them into recorded trainings.

So that everyone can benefit from my expertise. Quickly and on demand. 

Coaching changes lives,

let's do this together :)

PS. Why the stars?

Because learning how to direct your brain changes the direction of the rocket.

When you change the angle just a bit, it multiplies.

You don't land on the moon, you end up amongst the stars.


Finally knowing how to stop shoulding on yourself is only a couple of clicks and a few sleeps away...

Also, it's guaranteed. If you truly think you didn't learn anything,

just let me know within 5 days and I'll refund you your $22.

Are you ready to start accepting yourself?

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Additionally, Shelly Bortolotto and Silver Lynx Supply Chain Consulting are NOT endorsed by Facebook or Instagram in any way. 

Results are not guaranteed.